Quality Assurance
At ValvePro Limited we believe in the supply of products that are fully compliant with our customer’s specified requirements. To facilitate this, we insist that our supply partners (local and international) have a quality assurance system that is accredited to ISO 9001 and many are also accredited to API Q1 in respect of the supply of valves in accordance with API 6D and API 6A. For the supply of pressure equipment into the European Union our supply partners are also compliant with the Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC. Copies of the Notified Body certification is maintained by Valvepro, as is the particular material appraisals. In July 2016, Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC will be superseded by Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU and Valvepro are working with our partners to fully implement the new PED requirements within the timescales set out therein.